Sunday, November 11, 2007

Other songs from Narrow path. Man from Galilee is very good.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Here is another Southern Gospel group that I am trying to come perform at our Church and Health Center.They are out of Indiana and love to do shows wherever. They are worth listening to. Thanks to my dear friend in Christ Lola at Sams Club for sharing this group with me.

Thursday, November 8, 2007




Aaron lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He has his own business as a State Qualified Electrician. Born in Newfoundland, Canada. He is very close to his kids. Strives to make the very best out of life and determined to provide for his children. Nick and Sophia are both very active in Tai Kwan Do and Sophia is active in Ballet. Both are very good in school and make us all proud.


Lives in Virginia Beach, Va. Jason is a Locksmith and has served in the U.S. Army in Iraq. Originally from Newfoundland, Canada. Sandra works for Merrill Lynch and is currently training as a Financial Advisor. Jason couldn't have found a more suitable person to share his life with. They are a couple that values life to the fullest. Striving to better themselves while helping others.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Robert Michael Chiles

Here is the information on the CD from my friend Rob Chiles. His music will bless your heart. It clearly provides worship for our Lord. He wrote every song. There is a place where you can hear short segments of his songs. He also visits Churches and performs. His Wife Julie provides backup vocals. We also grew up together.

My Home Church

This Church is located in New Carlisle, Ohio. It is called the First Baptist Church of New Carlisle. My brother David and his Wife Garnet, Daughter Kim, and Son Chris started going many years ago. My Wife Bernadette and I were married here in 1990. Whenever we were home on leave, we would try to attend. Over the years the Pastor: Rick Shoemaker, would come and see my parents whenever they were in the hospital. He would have prayer with them and showed genuine care for my family. After retiring from the U.S. Navy in 2000. My Wife and I returned to Springfield, Ohio. But, we still did not attend any Church right away. In April of 2005, our Father, Charles Holliday passed away at home from a blood clot. Our family as any other family would have been, was devistated. My brother David, right away had Associate Pastor Jeff Christmas informed due to Pastor Rick Shoemaker being on vacation. Jeff Christmas conducted my Fathers funeral at the Church. Church members shared in our grief and provided the family a after service dinner. The following February, our Mom, Barbara Holliday passed away from complications from cemotheropy. Now, after having lost two of our parents, All of my siblings, a Sister-in-Law and myself has joined this Church. Speaking for myself, I feel so welcome here and everyone has treated me like family. Little did I know, we are family, GOD'S FAMILY. With a special gift from the Church being a Bible. I started from Genisis and read all the way to Revelations within a year. Through prayer, I asked God to lead me where he needed me. Not long after, I found myself going to a nearby Health Center. I offered Bible Studies to there residents and it just so happened that they were looking for someone to do Bible Studies. I have so much support from our Church and from my family. I now realize that God had a plan for me. Now, everytime I turn around, the Lord is blessing me with beautiful people to share his LOVE with. Lola , a employee at Sam's Club in Demo's., her Sister Lois at the membership desk, Rob Chiles a local Christian singer in Springfield, Ohio. We have known each other for years. I remember him as a baby when I was 5 years old. The First Baptist Church of New Carlisle is located on 571 just inside Miami County. Services are Sunday's @8:00AM and at 10:30AM. Sunday School @9:30AM. Everyone is welcome if you come, get ready to be blessed.
In Christ's Love,
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